I'd like to tell you about us, about our goals, objectives and of course our immediate plans for the future.
The Third International Festival of Trans Culture will be held from the

Our goal:
As before the Dana Fest is an unique festival that brings together all the transgender representatives: the artists of travesty genre, singers, authors
of the books dedicated to such people's problems, workers in culture and fashion industry and, of course, all fans of Dana International!

We suggest you all-out support and the platform for realizing the creative opportunities.

For the first time – the third Dana Fest will be several days' festival. We plan to arrange different events: seminars, discussions, master-class from the leading experts, the meetings with popular bloggers, theatrical performances. Informal communication during the buffet table, photosets, experience exchanges, educational seminars, excursions, press conference, and the most important thing – Gala concert with the results of the Fest, winners rewarding and guests of honor appearance.

There will be many great surprises!

Our mission:
We help transgender people to realize their creative potential, support their ideas and projects. What is more, we provide psychological help. We find it important to get the message over to our society – WE ARE JUST LIKE YOU, and we shouldn't be considered prejudicedly. Nowadays the transgender people rights issue is very acute and it needs to be solved. That is why we are turning back to what we started successfully several years ago.

And also we brings together the fans of Dana International !

We are ready for fruitful cooperation and friendly communication.

We ask for your support, even like or repost will be helpful for us. Tell your friends about our festival and maybe you will help somebody who needs it.

On our YouTube channel DANA Fest we raise acute problems, invite experts in various fields, enlighten people on the issues of tolerance to transgender representatives in our society.

Join the DANA FEST style weekend in Tallinn!