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Press release of DANA FEST

The organizing Committee is happy to inform that The Third International Festival of Trans Culture will be held from the 7 till 10 of October 2020 in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia.

It is named after Israel singer Dana International who won the competition of European song "Eurovision 1998".Beautiful and gifted Dana became a positive role model for many people in the world. Afterwards, many transgender people followed her example - they openly came out against the homophobic and transphobic attitudes in the society and declared their belonging to transgender community.

The goal of the Fest is to bring together all the transgenders and transsexuals in the community, support their creative potential and provide a platform for self-realization and informational and psychological help.

The aim of the organizers is to cover life issues of transgender people truthfully. We inform the society about different spheres of activity of our representatives and deliberately incline public opinion to tolerant and positive attitude to transgender community.

There will be forum, seminars, theatrical performances, discussion club, meetings with popular bloggers, artists, film representation, master classes within the festival. And, of course, great competition program with five award nominations, final Gala Concert and rewarding of winners.

Please press the link for details of the Festival.

View the festival program and the participation rules of the competition program DANA Fest on the official website Dana Fest.

Dana Fest has nonprofit purpose.

All the expenses of the festival are covered by sponsors support, tickets sale and the Participant Package of the festival (the audience).

The participation in the competition program is free for all contestants. All the expenses connected with staying, accommodation and all the travel expenses are on the participants unless there is a sponsor who is ready to cover all the expenses for them (for one of them).

We appreciate you for informational support of our festival!

For media accreditation details and festival booking we kindly ask you to apply in advance on our email till the 20th of September 2021.